Scotch-Brite Scrub Dots Heavy Duty Sponge, Great for Tough Stains, Suitable for Stainless Steel and Metal cookware, rinses Clean, Stays Odor Free (2 P...


Scotch-Brite Scrub Dots Heavy Duty Sponge, Great for Tough Stains, Suitable for Stainless Steel and Metal cookware, rinses Clean, Stays Odor Free (2 P...

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Price History ofScotch-Brite Scrub Dots Heavy Duty Sponge, Great for Tough Stains, Suitable for Stainless Steel and Metal cookware, rinses Clean, Stays Odor Free (2 P...

You can check the price history of Scotch-Brite Scrub Dots Heavy Duty Sponge, Great for Tough Stains, Suitable for Stainless Steel and Metal cookware, rinses Clean, Stays Odor Free (2 P... above. This product price is 301 but the lowest price is 261.86. The average and highest price are 303 and 345 respectively.