Lenovo ThinkPad T480 8th Gen Intel Core i5 16GB RAM 256GB SSD 14" HD Touchscreen Laptop Windows 11 MS Office WiFi Webcam Bluetooth 4.1


Lenovo ThinkPad T480 8th Gen Intel Core i5 16GB RAM 256GB SSD 14" HD Touchscreen Laptop Windows 11 MS Office WiFi Webcam Bluetooth 4.1

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Price History ofLenovo ThinkPad T480 8th Gen Intel Core i5 16GB RAM 256GB SSD 14" HD Touchscreen Laptop Windows 11 MS Office WiFi Webcam Bluetooth 4.1

You can check the price history of Lenovo ThinkPad T480 8th Gen Intel Core i5 16GB RAM 256GB SSD 14" HD Touchscreen Laptop Windows 11 MS Office WiFi Webcam Bluetooth 4.1 above. This product price is 19499 but the lowest price is 18999. The average and highest price are 19165 and 19499 respectively.