Leaf Shape Handmade Mini Stainless Steel Pocket Knife with Sheath - Portable Wooden Outdoor Short Fish Cutter, Keychain Wood Grain Pocket Knives for C...


Leaf Shape Handmade Mini Stainless Steel Pocket Knife with Sheath - Portable Wooden Outdoor Short Fish Cutter, Keychain Wood Grain Pocket Knives for C...

2.9(3 ratings)



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Price History ofLeaf Shape Handmade Mini Stainless Steel Pocket Knife with Sheath - Portable Wooden Outdoor Short Fish Cutter, Keychain Wood Grain Pocket Knives for C...

You can check the price history of Leaf Shape Handmade Mini Stainless Steel Pocket Knife with Sheath - Portable Wooden Outdoor Short Fish Cutter, Keychain Wood Grain Pocket Knives for C... above. This product price is 649 but the lowest price is 479. The average and highest price are 500 and 649 respectively.