Koonie Portable Mini Neck Fan - Rechargeable Hand Neck Fan with 3 Adjustable Speeds, 1800mAh Battery, Lightweight Design, Low Noise, and Easy Portabil...


Koonie Portable Mini Neck Fan - Rechargeable Hand Neck Fan with 3 Adjustable Speeds, 1800mAh Battery, Lightweight Design, Low Noise, and Easy Portabil...

4.4(1395 ratings)



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Price History ofKoonie Portable Mini Neck Fan - Rechargeable Hand Neck Fan with 3 Adjustable Speeds, 1800mAh Battery, Lightweight Design, Low Noise, and Easy Portabil...

You can check the price history of Koonie Portable Mini Neck Fan - Rechargeable Hand Neck Fan with 3 Adjustable Speeds, 1800mAh Battery, Lightweight Design, Low Noise, and Easy Portabil... above. This product price is 399 but the lowest price is 399. The average and highest price are 399 and 399 respectively.