Ikea 365 (34 Oz) Clear Glass Carafe With Cork Stopper, Ideal For Hot and Cold Water Pitcher, Tea/Coffee Maker, Iced Tea, Beverage Pitcher As Well As f...


Ikea 365 (34 Oz) Clear Glass Carafe With Cork Stopper, Ideal For Hot and Cold Water Pitcher, Tea/Coffee Maker, Iced Tea, Beverage Pitcher As Well As f...

4.6(678 ratings)


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Price History ofIkea 365 (34 Oz) Clear Glass Carafe With Cork Stopper, Ideal For Hot and Cold Water Pitcher, Tea/Coffee Maker, Iced Tea, Beverage Pitcher As Well As f...

You can check the price history of Ikea 365 (34 Oz) Clear Glass Carafe With Cork Stopper, Ideal For Hot and Cold Water Pitcher, Tea/Coffee Maker, Iced Tea, Beverage Pitcher As Well As f... above. This product price is 989 but the lowest price is 823.73. The average and highest price are 1007 and 1210 respectively.