CP PLUS 8 Channel Full HD NVR with 8X 2 MP Built-in Audio Mic Outdoor Wired IP CCTV Cameras, Motion Detection, 8 Port PoE, 2TB HDD, 100 Meter CAT6 Cab...


CP PLUS 8 Channel Full HD NVR with 8X 2 MP Built-in Audio Mic Outdoor Wired IP CCTV Cameras, Motion Detection, 8 Port PoE, 2TB HDD, 100 Meter CAT6 Cab...

2.8(4 ratings)


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Price History ofCP PLUS 8 Channel Full HD NVR with 8X 2 MP Built-in Audio Mic Outdoor Wired IP CCTV Cameras, Motion Detection, 8 Port PoE, 2TB HDD, 100 Meter CAT6 Cab...

You can check the price history of CP PLUS 8 Channel Full HD NVR with 8X 2 MP Built-in Audio Mic Outdoor Wired IP CCTV Cameras, Motion Detection, 8 Port PoE, 2TB HDD, 100 Meter CAT6 Cab... above. This product price is 26900 but the lowest price is 21852.54. The average and highest price are 25827 and 45000 respectively.