Castleite Aroma Series Melamine Trays Set of 3 with Handles for Serving Snacks or Tea  A Designer Tray for Home or Cafe Use (Hilton Tree)


Castleite Aroma Series Melamine Trays Set of 3 with Handles for Serving Snacks or Tea A Designer Tray for Home or Cafe Use (Hilton Tree)

4.2(377 ratings)


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Price is likely to be dropped for this product. You should wait for little more to save some money.

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Price History ofCastleite Aroma Series Melamine Trays Set of 3 with Handles for Serving Snacks or Tea A Designer Tray for Home or Cafe Use (Hilton Tree)

You can check the price history of Castleite Aroma Series Melamine Trays Set of 3 with Handles for Serving Snacks or Tea A Designer Tray for Home or Cafe Use (Hilton Tree) above. This product price is 689 but the lowest price is 521.19. The average and highest price are 645 and 699 respectively.