Sitaram Ayurveda Dhanwantharam Thailam 200ml | Kerala Ayurvedic Dhanvantaram Tailam for Relief from Rheumatic Complaints, Non-Inflammatory Complaints, Joint Weakness & Instability


Sitaram Ayurveda Dhanwantharam Thailam 200ml | Kerala Ayurvedic Dhanvantaram Tailam for Relief from Rheumatic Complaints, Non-Inflammatory Complaints, Joint Weakness & Instability

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About this product

  • Dhanwantharam thailam : Sesame oil based Kerala Ayurvedic prepatation advised for the treatment of rheumatic complaints, non-inflammatory arthritic complaints, joint weakness and instability.
  • Dhanvantaram Tailam is also used in the supportive treatment for neural deficit, muscle wasting and loss of muscle tone
  • Religiously used in Pre and Post natal care.
  • A gentle and soothing massage during pregnancy with Dhanwantharam Thailam provides relief from problems like skin dryness, itchiness, pain, and tiredness. It also promotes easy labour.
  • Ideal during pregnancy and child-birth:Pre-natal and post-natal period is characterised by vata aggravating in the bowel and pelvic region. Mild massage with this nourishing oil greatly relaxes the expecting woman and prepares her for labour. In the delivered woman, massage with Dhanwantaram taila helps in regaining lost strength.

Price History ofSitaram Ayurveda Dhanwantharam Thailam 200ml | Kerala Ayurvedic Dhanvantaram Tailam for Relief from Rheumatic Complaints, Non-Inflammatory Complaints, Joint Weakness & Instability

You can check the price history of Sitaram Ayurveda Dhanwantharam Thailam 200ml | Kerala Ayurvedic Dhanvantaram Tailam for Relief from Rheumatic Complaints, Non-Inflammatory Complaints, Joint Weakness & Instability above. This product price is 200 but the lowest price is 200. The average and highest price are 200 and 200 respectively.