SHOPOGENIX CHOTA GARUDA | Obstacle Avoiding Drone| 1080p Travel Drone | Position Locking Chota Garuda D r o n e (Multi Colour)


SHOPOGENIX CHOTA GARUDA | Obstacle Avoiding Drone| 1080p Travel Drone | Position Locking Chota Garuda D r o n e (Multi Colour)

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About this product

  • {Dual Camera:} It features both a WiFi HD 1080P camera and a 720P FPV (First Person View) camera. This allows for capturing high-definition aerial photos and videos.
  • {Bag Version:}The drone is described as being a Box version, which could refer to its packaging or form factor. Further details about its design or features may be available on the amazon you provided.
  • {Position Locking:} The drone is equipped with position locking capabilities, which typically means it has sensors or GPS technology to help maintain its position in the air more accurately.
  • {Camera:} The camera specifications, such as resolution 1080p+720p, image stabilization, field of view, and photo/video capabilities.
  • {Flight Time:} The estimated duration the drone can fly on a single battery charge 30 min.
  • {Range:} The maximum distance the drone can travel from the controller or its home point 120-150 meter

Price History ofSHOPOGENIX CHOTA GARUDA | Obstacle Avoiding Drone| 1080p Travel Drone | Position Locking Chota Garuda D r o n e (Multi Colour)

You can check the price history of SHOPOGENIX CHOTA GARUDA | Obstacle Avoiding Drone| 1080p Travel Drone | Position Locking Chota Garuda D r o n e (Multi Colour) above. This product price is 9499 but the lowest price is 9499. The average and highest price are 9499 and 9499 respectively.