MA-67 Studio Condenser Microphone, 34mm Gold Large Diaphragm Capsule, Including Hydro Pop Filter, Metal Shock Mount, XLR Cable and Mic Bag - for Music...


MA-67 Studio Condenser Microphone, 34mm Gold Large Diaphragm Capsule, Including Hydro Pop Filter, Metal Shock Mount, XLR Cable and Mic Bag - for Music...

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Price History ofMA-67 Studio Condenser Microphone, 34mm Gold Large Diaphragm Capsule, Including Hydro Pop Filter, Metal Shock Mount, XLR Cable and Mic Bag - for Music...

You can check the price history of MA-67 Studio Condenser Microphone, 34mm Gold Large Diaphragm Capsule, Including Hydro Pop Filter, Metal Shock Mount, XLR Cable and Mic Bag - for Music... above. This product price is 23878 but the lowest price is 23520.22. The average and highest price are 24721 and 25266 respectively.