LG 289 L3 Star Frost-Free Smart Inverter Wi-Fi Double Door Refrigerator (GL-T312TESX, Ebony Sheen, Convertible with Door Cooling+)

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LG 289 L3 Star Frost-Free Smart Inverter Wi-Fi Double Door Refrigerator (GL-T312TESX, Ebony Sheen, Convertible with Door Cooling+)

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Price History ofLG 289 L3 Star Frost-Free Smart Inverter Wi-Fi Double Door Refrigerator (GL-T312TESX, Ebony Sheen, Convertible with Door Cooling+)

You can check the price history of LG 289 L3 Star Frost-Free Smart Inverter Wi-Fi Double Door Refrigerator (GL-T312TESX, Ebony Sheen, Convertible with Door Cooling+) above. This product price is 36990 but the lowest price is 32990. The average and highest price are 36452 and 39890 respectively.