Infinizo USA SB 400 Natural Bacterial Septic Tank Cleaner & Treatment Liquid.Emergency Care-Reopens Toilet Blocks, Drains and Sluggish Septic Tank/Systems (Strong -1Litre)


Infinizo USA SB 400 Natural Bacterial Septic Tank Cleaner & Treatment Liquid.Emergency Care-Reopens Toilet Blocks, Drains and Sluggish Septic Tank/Systems (Strong -1Litre)

3.7(130 ratings)



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About this product

  • Improves drainage Safe for the user and the environment
  • Dramatic reduction in volume of organic waste
  • Ready to use. Natural, Bio-degradable and Eco-friendly
  • No need to open septic tank

Price History ofInfinizo USA SB 400 Natural Bacterial Septic Tank Cleaner & Treatment Liquid.Emergency Care-Reopens Toilet Blocks, Drains and Sluggish Septic Tank/Systems (Strong -1Litre)

You can check the price history of Infinizo USA SB 400 Natural Bacterial Septic Tank Cleaner & Treatment Liquid.Emergency Care-Reopens Toilet Blocks, Drains and Sluggish Septic Tank/Systems (Strong -1Litre) above. This product price is 390 but the lowest price is 380. The average and highest price are 388 and 390 respectively.