INDRICO Extension Board Heavy Duty 1 Socket 15A 16A 20A High Load Capacity 3000 Watts with 16A Big Plug PVC White (5 Meter)


INDRICO Extension Board Heavy Duty 1 Socket 15A 16A 20A High Load Capacity 3000 Watts with 16A Big Plug PVC White (5 Meter)

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Price History ofINDRICO Extension Board Heavy Duty 1 Socket 15A 16A 20A High Load Capacity 3000 Watts with 16A Big Plug PVC White (5 Meter)

You can check the price history of INDRICO Extension Board Heavy Duty 1 Socket 15A 16A 20A High Load Capacity 3000 Watts with 16A Big Plug PVC White (5 Meter) above. This product price is 1140 but the lowest price is 1116. The average and highest price are 1133 and 1175 respectively.