Embox Single Socket Extension 2500 W Heavy Duty Extension Board for Expandable Electric Extension, 10A Three Pin Plug Socket Convenient One Plug Exten...


Embox Single Socket Extension 2500 W Heavy Duty Extension Board for Expandable Electric Extension, 10A Three Pin Plug Socket Convenient One Plug Exten...

3.7(50 ratings)


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Price History ofEmbox Single Socket Extension 2500 W Heavy Duty Extension Board for Expandable Electric Extension, 10A Three Pin Plug Socket Convenient One Plug Exten...

You can check the price history of Embox Single Socket Extension 2500 W Heavy Duty Extension Board for Expandable Electric Extension, 10A Three Pin Plug Socket Convenient One Plug Exten... above. This product price is 592 but the lowest price is 466.95. The average and highest price are 596 and 649 respectively.