Charge Zero World's #1 Battery-Free Technology 6-in-1 Automatic Body Composition/Fat Analyzer Smart Personal Digital Weighing Scale for Measure BMI Index, Fat%, Water%, Muscle%, Bone Mass (White)


Charge Zero World's #1 Battery-Free Technology 6-in-1 Automatic Body Composition/Fat Analyzer Smart Personal Digital Weighing Scale for Measure BMI Index, Fat%, Water%, Muscle%, Bone Mass (White)

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Price History ofCharge Zero World's #1 Battery-Free Technology 6-in-1 Automatic Body Composition/Fat Analyzer Smart Personal Digital Weighing Scale for Measure BMI Index, Fat%, Water%, Muscle%, Bone Mass (White)

You can check the price history of Charge Zero World's #1 Battery-Free Technology 6-in-1 Automatic Body Composition/Fat Analyzer Smart Personal Digital Weighing Scale for Measure BMI Index, Fat%, Water%, Muscle%, Bone Mass (White) above. This product price is 699 but the lowest price is 699. The average and highest price are 1149 and 1199 respectively.