BLUE STAR Video Light B4 Continuous (Sun Gun) 1000 Watts Halogen filament Indascent light for Video Shooting, You tube Videos. (1000 watts Bulb includ...


BLUE STAR Video Light B4 Continuous (Sun Gun) 1000 Watts Halogen filament Indascent light for Video Shooting, You tube Videos. (1000 watts Bulb includ...

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Price History ofBLUE STAR Video Light B4 Continuous (Sun Gun) 1000 Watts Halogen filament Indascent light for Video Shooting, You tube Videos. (1000 watts Bulb includ...

You can check the price history of BLUE STAR Video Light B4 Continuous (Sun Gun) 1000 Watts Halogen filament Indascent light for Video Shooting, You tube Videos. (1000 watts Bulb includ... above. This product price is 599 but the lowest price is 599. The average and highest price are 599 and 599 respectively.