Bitcorp Extension Board Single Outlet Socket 2500W 16A / 20A with Heavy Duty Long Wire Cord 10 Meter Cable with Safety Shutter for Small and Heavy appliances (1.5mm) (White) (Polycarbonate)


Bitcorp Extension Board Single Outlet Socket 2500W 16A / 20A with Heavy Duty Long Wire Cord 10 Meter Cable with Safety Shutter for Small and Heavy appliances (1.5mm) (White) (Polycarbonate)

4.4(954 ratings)



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Price History ofBitcorp Extension Board Single Outlet Socket 2500W 16A / 20A with Heavy Duty Long Wire Cord 10 Meter Cable with Safety Shutter for Small and Heavy appliances (1.5mm) (White) (Polycarbonate)

You can check the price history of Bitcorp Extension Board Single Outlet Socket 2500W 16A / 20A with Heavy Duty Long Wire Cord 10 Meter Cable with Safety Shutter for Small and Heavy appliances (1.5mm) (White) (Polycarbonate) above. This product price is 1939 but the lowest price is 1399. The average and highest price are 1399 and 1399 respectively.