Assembled Desktop CPU with Core i5-3470 Gen 3.20Ghz II 8GB Ram II 256GB SSD II HDMI VGA Ports Win 10 II Desktop Computer PC CPU II MS Office II Full M...


Assembled Desktop CPU with Core i5-3470 Gen 3.20Ghz II 8GB Ram II 256GB SSD II HDMI VGA Ports Win 10 II Desktop Computer PC CPU II MS Office II Full M...

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Price History ofAssembled Desktop CPU with Core i5-3470 Gen 3.20Ghz II 8GB Ram II 256GB SSD II HDMI VGA Ports Win 10 II Desktop Computer PC CPU II MS Office II Full M...

You can check the price history of Assembled Desktop CPU with Core i5-3470 Gen 3.20Ghz II 8GB Ram II 256GB SSD II HDMI VGA Ports Win 10 II Desktop Computer PC CPU II MS Office II Full M... above. This product price is 7399 but the lowest price is 6999. The average and highest price are 7318 and 7399 respectively.