ANK Heavy Plastic Cricket Large Stumps Set - 3 Stumps + 2 Bails + 1 Stand (Yellow)(Plastic Wicket Set)


ANK Heavy Plastic Cricket Large Stumps Set - 3 Stumps + 2 Bails + 1 Stand (Yellow)(Plastic Wicket Set)

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About this product

  • Heavy Plastic 3 Stumps Perfectly Round Shaped 3 Stumps;
  • 30 Inches Size of Stumps;
  • Heavy Plastic 1- Base Perfectly Shaped to Support Stumps; Stumps easily fit or Removed
  • Weight is enough to support stumps and do not fall with Wind

Price History ofANK Heavy Plastic Cricket Large Stumps Set - 3 Stumps + 2 Bails + 1 Stand (Yellow)(Plastic Wicket Set)

You can check the price history of ANK Heavy Plastic Cricket Large Stumps Set - 3 Stumps + 2 Bails + 1 Stand (Yellow)(Plastic Wicket Set) above. This product price is 349 but the lowest price is 349. The average and highest price are 349 and 349 respectively.