Amway Liquid Concentrated Laundry Detergent - 500 ml


Amway Liquid Concentrated Laundry Detergent - 500 ml

4.3(212 ratings)



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About this product

  • It is India’s only 3 in 1 laundry care system, that pre-treats, cleans & softens clothes in one go
  • Dual action surfactant system is very effective on soils like collar & cuff stains
  • Powerful enzymes help remove tough food & protein stains
  • Pre-treatment gel technology-provides extra power to fight tough stains
  • Ideal for pre-treating , pre soaking, cleaning & softening- all at one go
  • Fluorescent whitening agent designed for longer lasting whitening results
  • Your whites will be whiter, your colors brighter; it even prevents darks from fading

Price History ofAmway Liquid Concentrated Laundry Detergent - 500 ml

You can check the price history of Amway Liquid Concentrated Laundry Detergent - 500 ml above. This product price is 437 but the lowest price is 437. The average and highest price are 437 and 437 respectively.